Eagle Valley Farms LLC
By submitting your order, we will contact you to discuss shipping options and order details.
Thank you for ordering from Eagle Valley Farm LLC. We will contact you to discuss shipping options and order details.
(Flavors: Original, Cheese, Garlic, Hot, Honey Jalepeno)
Thank you for ordering from Eagle Valley Farm LLC. We will contact you to discuss shipping options and order details.
(Flavors – Sweet Italian, Maple, Hot, Regular Salt and Pepper)
Thank you for ordering from Eagle Valley Farm LLC. We will contact you to discuss shipping options and order details.
Approx. 4-5 lbs.
Thank you for ordering from Eagle Valley Farm LLC. We will contact you to discuss shipping options and order details.
Thank you for ordering from Eagle Valley Farm LLC. We will contact you to discuss shipping options and order details.
Phone: 570-726-0039
Email: eaglevalleyfarms26@gmail.com
Address: 849 Eagle Valley Road Beech Creek, Pennsylvania 16822
Business Hours